Thursday, March 13, 2014

Let's Do This!


Welcome to my blog of randomness!
This blog will be full of things I love. Whether it be clothes, beauty products, beauty reviews, hairstyles i'm loving, bargain finds, home decor, DIY's, or a bunch of whatever I stinkin' want. :D I just want to share all the things i'm loving at the moment because I think it'd be fun and everyone else is doing it. Ha ha! I'm kind of obsessed with makeup so, I may do some makeup tutorials as well. Who knows! The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!! ;)

Moving on...

Well, this is my 2nd attempt at keeping a blog. The first time I tried, I did it without my husband helping me with setting it up and let's just say that I never actually got a post up. Yeah, that's right...nothing. That was back in 2008. Ha! Needless to say, I've been wanting to start a blog for awhile now (again) but have just been putting it off because of pure laziness. Ha ha! I'm usually Facebooking, Instagram..ming, YouTubing, and Tweeting. I've had good intentions to start a blog (again) and FINALLY,  I feel like now is a good time to do this! Especially, because my daughter is in school now and i'd rather play on the internet and find any excuse I can to NOT do my house wife/motherly duties. Hee hee! I also may do some vlogs as well because I'm a HUGE vlog lover. (SHAYTARDS ALL THE WAY!). I find it easier and more fun to do/watch vlogs.

Anywhoooooo, I hope this will be "the start of somethin' nnnneeeewww" (name that movie LOL!). I just want to try something I've been thinking about doing for awhile now and figured... "What do I have to lose?!" I also feel that I have things to say about...stuff...(LOL) and what better way to say them than behind a computer?! Ha Ha! 
So, If you are bored and/or are procrastinating your duties...come on by!!!! I'd be happy to procrastinate with ya! :D